Wednesday, December 9, 2009

End of the Semester

I can honestly say that I am going to miss this class. I got to know some amazing people and learn so much about what is going on around me. This was a very comfortable class and felt more like hanging out with friends than going to class. I think this might be the first time that I have made really good friends and actually hung out with people in my class outside of the classroom setting. After this tough semester for me, not only school but personally, I realized that there are so many people out there that are very genuine and caring. I think we all became such good friends because of the atmosphere Dr. Bogad has given us.

The topics that we covered in class has taught me a lot. Most of what we have learned will stick with me all throughout my college life and even when I hopefully become a teacher. Before this class I didn't have the type of mind that I do today. It has changed the way I think about everyday life happenings. I hope everyone continues to have great college classes and hopefully I'll see most of you around campus! :)

Felicia McGuire

talking point #10


1. “People are naturally curious. They are born listeners. Education can either develop or still their inclination to ask why and to learn. A curriculum that avoids questioning school and society is not as, is commonly supposed, politically neutral."

Questions are the key to learning. We, as humans, were born wondering things. It is how we developed as children into who we are today. If we never asked questions or explored things then we would never be who we are today. I feel like everyone would be basically the same person with the same thoughts. If a curriculum doesn't allow for questions to be asked then everyone will just have to accept what they are taught and move on. If a student doesn't understand something they usually ask a question. If this is not allowed then they will never understand what they are being taught.

2. "Competition encourages people to survey other people’s differences for potential weak spots... We learn to ascribe winner or loser status based on certain perceived overt characteristics…"

Growing up grades were always most important to the class. Whoever got the best grade on a test was automatically the smartest in the class. Some teachers I had would call out the grades from the lowest to the highest. This was kind of embarrassing especially if you didn't do too well on that certain test. Everyone would think you were dumb if you did poorly on a test and everyone knew about it. Grades should be kept privet unless you yourself would like to share your grade with others. Besides grades children are very competitive at sports even in gym or at recess. This was always the case at the schools I attended.

3. "You must arouse children’s curiosity and make them think about school."

If you asked a group of students if they liked school, my guess would be that about half of them would reply no. I feel like it is a teachers responsibility to make school interesting for students. If they have a boring teacher they will not like school and never want to go to school. If a teacher is exciting and engaging in what she is doing with the students, then they will enjoy it a little better. You need to show them how important it is to go to school and that it is important to stay in school. Without an education it is very difficult to go anywhere in life and as teachers we need to show our students that.

Overall I really liked what this article was about. I thought it was very interesting that it seemed to talk about a little bit of everything that we learned this semester. It seems like a great way to end the year. Other than the topic, it was very long and hard to get through because of the length.

Girls acting "dumb"

In my VIPS classroom I always seem to get the questions from the same girl. Every time I'm there, she asks me to help her out. At first I really didn't mind because it was the whole reason I was there. I'm there to help the students in their math class if they are having trouble. After the first few classes I was starting to get a little aggravated because she knew what she was doing and it seemed like she just wanted me there for company. A few weeks ago me and the teacher that I am helping out were correcting the tests that the students had just taken. It was the girl who kept asking me questions turn to get her test corrected. She received 100% on her test. This struck me as a little odd because she was always asking me how to do things and to help her out. I then figured out that she is one of the top students in math in this classroom. She was dumbing herself down to get me to pay attention to her. I still don't understand why she would do this. Most of the time if someone wants attention they will do their best to receive praises and gain attention of others that way. I guess it can go both ways. I always hear about girls making themselves less smart because of a man but never because they want attention.