Monday, October 26, 2009

talking point #6

I think that Time Wise knows exactly what he is talking about. He realizes that racism is still here and alive today even after things like Brown vs. Board of Education. He knows that we can try as hard as we want but racism will still be in our everyday lives. He even says that people do try to change how people feel but there is still a lot more work to do. I really liked listening to him talk and completely agree with him.

He was saying how people liked Bush as president better than Obama because of his color. Obama is an intelligent man and has done more than Bush to change and better the country but is still less liked as a person. Many people wouldn't vote for him just because he was black. This just shows how some people will refuse to get to know people just because of the color of their skin. This happens in our every day lives. Someone will not talk to someone and get to know them because of the color of their skin. Some people might really like what Obama has to say but will refuse to listen because he is black.

Brown vs. Board of Education tried to put a stop to African Americans being treated as second class citizens and giving them the same education that white students were getting. African Americans were going to start being treated equally. Wise was right, even after this law was passed they were still not given equal rights. They were still treated terribly. It was a start but definitely not the end of segregation.


  1. I agree, even after the Brown vs. Board of Education, African Americans are still being treated unfairly. I don't think we will ever totally eliminate segregation. Its everywhere

  2. Many people mistake Brown vs. Board of Education to be an end, rather than a start. On paper, it was the official end of segregation in schools. However, it was only one battle in the overall fight against racism, which is still going on today and will probably never end.

  3. I completely agree with what you are saying, i don't think it will ever end. It was just the start but thats where people need to be more open minded and open up more and speak up when they see racial problems going on around them!
